Saturday, February 23, 2013


In Nigeria, there are three separate Arms of Government.
First: Legislative Arm. Second: Judicial Arm. Third: Executive Arm.
First: The Legislative Arm. The function of this arm of government is to prepare bills for legislation. After debate and consideration, the bills proposed are either passed upon or shelved. Those passed upon become laws.
Second: The Judicial Arm. The function of this arm of government is to interpret laws, render judgment and to determine the validity of any law passed by the Legislative Arm. Is the law in harmony with the Constitution? Does it conform? Does it meet a need? These are questions which the Judicial Arm may ask concerning any law. The Judicial Arm can declare any law passed by the Legislative Arm null and void.
Third: The Executive Arm. The function of this arm of government is to execute, and to put into action all laws that have been passed upon by the Legislative Arm, and that have not been disapproved by the Judicial Arm. The Executive Arm of government makes the law a reality.

Now, you are like a nation, Nigeria for example and your Mind is the government, while your ideas are like laws, and they MUST be obeyed.
There are three separate Arms of the Mind which deal with ideas. The function of these Three Arms of the Mind bears a striking similarity to the three Arms of Government. There is the Emotion (Legislative Arm of the Mind), the Judgment (Judicial Arm of the Mind) and the Desire (Executive Arm of the Mind)
First: The Emotion is the Legislative Arm of the Mind. Emotion comes from the Latin word "emovere," which means to "move out." It is a vibratory thought moving out of the mind, which is attracted by an outside influence expressed or manifested either in another idea, suggestion, symbol or thing. It is to be aware of something instinctively or intellectually. The Emotion is the antenna of the Mind radiating and emitting thoughts into space, and also receiving them from space. All ideas, thoughts, suggestions or impulses that come to the Mind are received by the way of the Emotion. An idea of quality and merit is given consideration and passed upon by the Emotion, which is the Legislative Arm of the Mind.
Second: The Judgment is the Judicial Arm of the Mind. Judgment is the act of judging the operation of the Mind, involving comparison and dis-crimination by which knowledge of values and relations are mentally formulated. To analyze, to reason, to discern and to interpret ideas is the power of the Judicial Arm of the Mind.
After the idea has been passed upon by the Legislative Arm of the Mind, the Emotion, it is turned over to the Judicial Arm of the Mind, the Judgment. The Judgment weighs every detail of the idea to determine its quality, its usefulness viz-a-viz the environment, usually to ascertain whether it meet a need and also to establish its validity. The Judgment also acts as the supreme arbiter and can declare any idea or impulse null and void, even though it has been passed upon by the Legislative Arm of your Mind, your Emotion.
After the Judgment establishes the validity of an idea, it is then ready for enforcement and action.
Third: The Desire is the Executive Arm of the Mind.
Desire is the ardor of feeling. A longing to see your idea in action. The Desire executes and puts the idea in operation. The Desire transforms the idea into a Reality.
It takes all three Arms of the Government to make a law a Reality, and likewise it takes all three Arms of your Mind to turn an idea into a Reality. The Emotion passes upon the idea, the Judgment interprets and establishes the validity of the idea, and the Desire executes the idea into a Reality.
An understanding of these three Arms of our Mind will help us to make our dreams come true, qualify us to have an abundance of everything, and enable us to turn our ideas into money.
 A knowledge of all three Arms of our Mind is essential, but the ultimate and complete fulfillment of an idea is dependent upon our Desire. Desire is a combination of feeling, passion and action, and brings into force all the qualities, attributes and powers of the Mind.
What is an Idea? An Idea is an image formed in the Mind. It is a mental picture of something seen, heard or thought. The formation of a pattern by which something is developed or created.
Ideas are constantly and incessantly striking the Emotion, the Legislative Arm. Some are declared null and void by the Judgment, the Judicial Arm. Others are consumed in daydreaming, and passed off as fleeting notions. Others take wings and fly away. Ideas come and go, and are usually dropped with a wish. Thus the old saying goes: "If wishes were horses, then beggars would ride."
A wish is all right in its place, but seldom does it turn into money. On the other hand, some of our ideas are good, and can be turned into money. On these we want to concentrate, and convert into money. And this can be achieved by our Desire, the Executive Arm of our Mind

How can you turn your idea into money?
This is a simple and fascinating process, and one to enjoy.
It matters not whether you work with people, words or things. It is very essential to have a vehicle in which to convey your Idea to others. The best vehicle to convey an Idea is a Plan. A Plan gives to the Idea a Body. A Plan transforms the Idea (concept) into an Ideal. An Ideal is a perfect image, and establishes a true conception of the thing you want to create, or the event you want to bring about in your experience or reality. Someone said, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail”
Everything you observe in nature is an Idea of God, and is manifested in a Plan. This Plan gives to the Idea a Body expressed in form, size and color. If this were not so, it would be impossible to identify and classify the different varieties and species as they appear in nature. This is a definite clue as to why all ideas to influence people or to create things must have a Plan.
This great principle is manifested all about us. Everything created by man had its origin in the Mind. It is first an invisible idea before it becomes a visible thing. It is a thought, then a product. All successful ideas for accomplishment must have a Plan. A Plan not only identifies your Idea, but it also distinguishes it and gives it the momentum to operate.

Three definite Principles are essential to create a Plan for your Idea.
First: Create a Plan for the thing you desire. Second: Develop a Process to put the Plan in Action.
Third: Produce an act or strategy to make the Plan a Reality. A plan for the thing you desire entails a very definite and specific idea of the thing, position or situation you want. After a definite decision has been reached, then proceed to build a Plan around this Idea.
It is a very simple process to build a Plan, and do it scientifically with your ORIGINALITY or UNIQUENESS in mind. It must be planned. A mass of material thrown together will not build a house. Every brick or block, every plank and every nail must have its place. The same is true in building a Plan. Every word, every thought and every sentence must have its place. A Plan is organized knowledge for portraying the reasons why the thing or position desired should become a Reality. It is the art of creating in the mind of someone else a belief in the Idea you wish that person to accept.
The most scientific way to build a Plan is to get all your material together, get all the facts, and find out everything you can about the thing you desire. Get its history, background, economic relation and the part it plays in life. Analyze these data, catalogue them, classify them, organize them, define them, refine them and take the best parts of them and translate them into your Plan. Include in this Plan anything that will improve business, anything that will contribute to the welfare of others, anything that will add peace of mind to people, anything that will enrich the happiness of others, or anything you can find that will help you to turn your Idea into Money.
Present this Plan in sequence, enumerate each point step by step, and try to use meaty and inspiring words with a picture meaning. Speak or write your Plan in concrete terms, not in abstract phrases. Make it brief, concise, direct, definite, forceful and by all means understandable. Season the Plan with the savor of personal interest…flavour it with the spice of enthusiasm…and sweeten it with the sugar of kindness.
Second: Develop a Process to put the Plan into Action.
By inaugurating the Plan for the thing you desire you have decided definitely what you want. The Plan to accomplish this is now established. What is the next step? To develop a Process, to put the Plan for the thing you desire into action. A Process is the act of proceeding to put the Plan in operation. This is brought about by the application of Four Definite Laws, and each one is essential to the fulfillment of the Plan. These Laws are:
Paul in the bible gave to the world the greatest definition of Faith: "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Faith is believing and trusting wholeheartedly in the invisible forces of God which are the substance of things hoped for; and by adhering strictly to this Faith, the substance of these things will become the evidence of those forces, and make their appearance in your experience or reality.
Someone asked an American named Andrew Carnegie what he considered the greatest thing in his phenomenal success. He answered: "Faith in myself, Faith in others and Faith in my business." The world always makes way for the man who knows what he is doing, and where he is going.
Faith is a belief in the favorable outcome of anything undertaken. Faith gives life, power and action to your Plan. Faith inspires you with absolute confidence to demonstrate your Plan, and qualifies you to turn your ideas into money. By all means practice Faith.
In nature the Law of Repetition is continuously and regularly repeating the same things. Every day the sun rises in the east, and sets in the west, with absolute precision. The night follows the day with immutable certainty. The four seasons are consecutively repeating themselves one after the other with inexorable accuracy. The astronomer sets his clock by this undeviating law.
The Law of Repetition has been one of the contributing factors in teaching you most of the things you know thoroughly in life. For example: When you were little, it took you quite a long time to learn how to walk. Then you finally learned by the Law of Repetition. You kept repeating the same movements every day in every way. Finally, through your own experience you acquired sufficient knowledge, poise, and confidence to qualify and perfect you in the Art of Walking. In the beginning it was a very difficult task, but once you acquired the knowledge and experience of how to walk, it became very easy.
You learned to talk by the same law. As time went on, to school you must go, and again the Law of Repetition became your teacher. Over and over, it drilled you in memorizing the A, B, C's, the multiplication table, and that first poem you recited before the class. The things the Law of Repetition has taught you are embedded into your consciousness. They are a part of you and the application of them is natural and easy.
The trick of the magician looks easy. It is easy for him. He has made it easy by the Law of Repetition.
As applied to the Process to put your Plan in Action, the Law of Repetition is the act of perfecting your Plan. You do this by practice. You learn to know it, you learn to time it. You know when to speak and when to be quiet. You sense the proper pitch and inflection to give each word. You have confidence in your Plan. You learn to feel your lines and every thought in them becomes more inspiring and more invigorating. It becomes a part of you. You can give it in perfect sequence and in perfect co-ordination. You find it has magic in it, not only for you, but for those to whom you present it. By practicing and demonstrating your Plan, it gathers its own momentum, and throws out its own aura. Your thoughts become magnets and you can make others feel the impulse of your Plan.
Every time you go over your Plan, you learn something new. You learn to develop new inspiration, new interest, new zest and new enthusiasm. By all means rehearse and try to perfect your Plan by applying the Law of Repetition.
Imagination is the power to think in terms of images or pictures, words or things. It is the workshop of the mind. Here the Plan is given shape, form, and made ready for action. This faculty of the Mind is able to visualize and imagine an idea in action.
To illustrate the dynamic power of the imagination to develop an idea, it will interest you to know this story. About fifty years ago an old country doctor created a very wonderful formula. He did not know what to do with it, yet he realized its great value. He took this formula to a young drug clerk and explained its contents. This formula was only an idea to the old doctor but the drug clerk paid him five hundred dollars for the idea.
What did the young drug clerk do? He turned the idea expressed in that formula over to his imagination. He visualized its value. He discovered that the contents of that formula contained all the essential elements to supply people with a cool and refreshing drink, that would make them pause and give them a lift. The idea thrilled and urged the drug clerk to formulate a Plan, to put the idea of that formula into action. He wasted no time in creating a Plan for the distribution of a world-famous drink. That drug clerk was Asa Candler. The drink was Coca-Cola. Today the name Coca-Cola is on most billboards, and the taste of it on most tongues. That little piece of paper, with an idea mixed with the imagination of Asa Candler, turned into hundreds of millions of dollars.
A sequel to this story is that some years later when the Coca-Cola Company was well on the road to prosperity, a young man walked into Mr. Candler's office and suggested to him that he had a Plan to double the business of the Coca-Cola Company. For this Plan he wanted $25,000. The Board of Directors met and agreed to the offer. That Plan was short and to the point, and possibly contained fewer words than any other Plan ever offered to double a company's business. The Plan was: "Bottle it."
Imagination is one of the most valuable faculties --by all means develop it.
You can have Faith in an idea, you can perfect an idea through the Law of Repetition, you can use the power of the Imagination to visualize the idea; but with all these you must carry through. You must demonstrate Persistence.
Persistence comes from two Latin words, "per," meaning "to," and "sistere," meaning "stand." To stand or be fixed, and face all difficulties with un-daunted courage. To go on resolutely with your Plan, in spite of all opposition or adversity. To persevere with dogged determination until your Plan is manifested, and your efforts are crowned with success. Persistence is an attribute of character that guarantees the fulfillment of the Plan.
It is estimated that over twenty million people have read the book or seen the moving picture, "Gone with the Wind." Something accounts for this phenomenal popularity. What is it? Scarlett, the heroine of the story, remained all through the play the master of her fate, and never its victim. No obstacle, no tragedy, no disaster, no adversity, no catastrophe, no circumstance, and no condition daunted her unconquerable spirit. She met and conquered all of them with indomitable Persistence. A demonstration of the Law of Persistence enabled her to conquer fate, and to crown her efforts with personal triumph. This demonstration was a challenge to others to emulate her. They were eager to find out how she did it.
Each year at Wake Forest, where I went to college, Doctor Tom, the old colored janitor, was invited to address the student body and to offer his words of wisdom.
Doctor Tom's great admonition was repeated year after year. It was "Be sure you are right, and then be sure to go ahead." This is a vivid illustration of Persistence.
The Plan is right, you are right and Persistence will not fail to make the Plan work, and turn your ideas into money.
Success of any Plan is like pressing out cider with a cider press. You squeeze and squeeze and it seems as though the cider will never come; and then one big squeeze and out it comes. Persistence is the last big squeeze that makes the Plan successful. It has no substitute and it is well to remember that a "quitter never wins, and a winner never quits."
Third: Produce an act to make the Plan a Reality.
"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players."
In the first Principle we acquired the knowledge essential for the Plan. In the Second Principle we learned the Laws necessary for its fulfillment. Now comes the Third Principle, the Act of Making the Plan a reality. In the last role we become a Shakespearean player. All the forces of character and all the attributes of personality must be generated to put the Plan into action.
An idea is an image. An idea with a Plan is a perfect image. It is an ideal. An ideal is something real, whether it be visible or invisible. It is a compound idea made up of many ideas. What happens when a Plan becomes an Ideal? The idea in the Plan becomes real to you. It is a part of you. The Plan is given a big reception in the Grand Ball Room of Consciousness. Here it meets urge, spirit, motive, confidence, courage and impulse of action. At this reception Faith embraces the Plan. Imagination praises the Plan. Repetition repeats the Plan and Persistence guarantees the fulfillment of the Plan. To visualize a Plan is to see it as a composite whole. To idealize a Plan is to feel it in action. Idealize is putting the "I" in the deal. You can feel yourself initiating the Plan with skill and performing every step with alacrity and precision. You feel its influence, not only on yourself but on all those with whom you come in contact. With this power behind an idea, the Plan becomes so potent that soon it becomes a driving force behind you.
To illustrate the theory on "How to Turn Your Ideas into Money," I want to tell you how I actually do it. Some years ago I had an idea of making Nigeria a better place by writing inspirational poems to change the mindset of Nigerians. I had to carefully arrange my ideas into a book form and strategically requested the minister for Niger Delta, Elder Godsday Peter Orubebe to write the foreword of the book, thereby adding credibility and leverage to it. Today, the book is a resounding success, daily fetching money for me. To accomplish this unparalleled record it was necessary for me to know something about ideas, and how to get these ideas over to people in order to get results. I liked the idea of personal development and nation building. This was only an idea that struck my Emotion. The Judgment passed on the idea and declared it sound. The Desire was aroused and convinced me that the idea could be turned into money. The question was how to do it?
Selling is a good deal like farming. The farmer has to plant the seed. In doing so, he has no assurance of a crop. He does know that he must sow before he can reap. The Bible teaches him: "Whatsoever ye sow, that shall ye also reap." The Mosaic Law tells him that everything in nature increaseth after its own kind.
The farmer is like the salesman. The farmer plants seed. The salesman plants ideas. The ideas of your product, like seeds, will never grow a crop of sales unless they are planted. The salesman reaps as he sows. The more ideas he sows, the more sales he will reap.
The idea of personal development and nation building incorporated into a book plan of inspirational poems, put in action by Faith, became a force. The National Orientation Agency and ministry of the Niger Delta partnered with me to buy copies of the book for Nigeria both at home and in the diaspora. It arrested attention, it incited interest, it persuaded and convinced Nigerians and these government agencies to act. It created sales, it produced results, it turned the idea of personal development and nation building into money for me.
Ideas are inexhaustible, they are limitless. Capture one, adopt it, create a Body for it, and make a real child out of it. The child sometimes grows to be a giant.
John D. Rockefeller captured the idea to furnish light to millions of people, by the use of oil. He gave the idea a Body. At first it was a little, tiny baby, but twenty-five years later it was a billion-dollar giant.
Adolph Ochs, the late publisher of the New York Times, captured the idea to present the news truthfully and impartially and around this idea built one of the finest publications in the World.
Henry Ford captured an idea of transportation. He gave the idea an automobile Body, painted it black, and called it Model T, and turned it into a fortune of over a billion dollars.
Cyrus McCormick had an idea. Around this idea, he evolved a reaper to cut and bind the wheat all in the same operation. The International Harvester Corporation was the result.
Edison gave his idea a body--"The Phonograph. His Master's Voice." He certainly had no worries about where the next meal was coming from.
All those who have made contributions in the form of services, inventions, discoveries and science, have given their idea either a Body or a Plan. An idea can mean nothing until it is incorporated into a Plan or built into a Body.
An idea takes form as it is conceived in word, thought, thing or action, according to your belief in it. Believe in your idea, concentrate on it, give it a Plan or a Body. The minute you concentrate on your Idea, new thoughts, new ideas, new measures, new ways and new methods are opened up to help make it a reality. Drop a pebble into a pool of water. It starts a series of ripples that expand until they encompass the whole pool. This is what happens when you give your idea a Plan. It seems that you tap that great creative force within. It turns that dynamic hidden something from within into a thousand friends all eager and willing to help you. It makes others feel about your idea the way you feel. It gives you all the power necessary to put your idea into action. You can persuade and convince. It makes the idea a vital, living force, the most subtle and irresistible force in the world. The idea strengthens your character and gives form, color, essence and substance to that which you desire. You can outstrip every unfavorable situation, solve all problems, and master every condition that stands in the way between you and the accomplishment of your idea. You can have anything you want--anything your heart desires. You can turn your Ideas into Money. Try it.
Thanks a bunch and may God bless your heart.

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